Thursday, April 22, 2010

OUR Story

I went over to visit Megan Rebekah's blog yesterday and she had a progressive story going that seemed like some fun. I've seem em before and participated too, but haven't done anything like that on my blog. Sooooo, here goes.

1. I'll start the story.
2. You follow up and continue the story in the comment section.
3. Make sure to read the comments in order, so you know where the story's at before you add to it.
4. Have fun and let's see where this goes!

Three thousand years of walking the earth, pretending to be a mortal man and all I have to show for it are some lousy scars and a few campfire tales. The fire within me is growing dull and I've nearly forgotten why I was cursed to continue on like this. If only I hadn't ...

ok, your turn


MeganRebekah said...

...agreed to be the protector of mankind. Humans have long ago forgotten the need for a protector, and my services are overlooked and underappreciated.

nephite blood spartan heart said...

Always following and doing what he can to destroy what I have created and built is Killara. Also an immortal, I think, he is an Aborigine. He's not abad guy but insists I upset the balance of the universe and he must set it right.

Susan Kaye Quinn said...

What he doesn't understand is that I simply don't care anymore. The yearning to protect the mortals from his wonton ways is growing dimmer with each passing decade, a slow dying of will that even his annoying antics, and worse stench, can't seem to revive.

I used to know that my duties had purpose, but now ...

Anonymous said...

...I would almost prefer to let humankind stew in the cesspool they created.

Ach, the very thought of Taylin siding with Killara, sharing his vision and his bed. It is more than I can bear, both her deception and...

Zoe C. Courtman said...

the knowledge that, with their coupling, Taylin has chosen the one thing that I could not have chosen for myself: mortality. I stalk the blighted glades where I know their coupling has taken place - and where, even now, she draws closer to death. I wonder if I'll have the strength to follow the path before me, to part the strangled trees and...

dolorah said...

. . endure another age.

Then I see him; Kylar. Ill gotten spawn of Killar and Taylin. Beautiful as the dawn; spreading chaos and disease with his misguided wanderings.

"He needs a destiny," I told the fluttering Autumn leaves. The leaves blushed a firey red at my attentions, and chattered amongst themselves with new life.

I felt the pull of a long sleep. Floods, meteors, solar flares; that was my waking reward last time. Though Killara was lost to his grief over Taylin's long suffering mortality, he'd sense my inattention. And take advantage, being wiser and more established in this realm now.

I watch as the abandoned and forlorn Killar wept his loneliness in another forgotten village. Perhaps . .